March 09, 2012

Can't get more Swiss than this....

Cheese and Chocolate. Isn't that what Switzerland is famous for. I would venture to day that I could probably only come up with a few more things Swiss before coming over here. There are many more things the Swiss do well, but really there is a reason that cheese and chocolate are on everyones minds. We had to do the touristy thing and tour the famous factory of each kind.
The Callier chocolate factory, the best chocolate in the world. I am addicted to the kind they make with honey bits in it. And if you see Callier chocolate anywhere in the world, you know that it is absolutely made in this building right here. It is kinda Charlie in the chocolate facotryish....train running through the factory, air smelling like chocolate, there is even an animated and semi-scary tour. No ompa lompa though.
At the end was a giant room with plates of evey kind of chocolate you could imagine. This was of coure a hit.
A token picture of the four of us all together. Dont' mind Tiny's face. She just wants to get back to the chocolate.
And then next to the cheese factory. Gruyere cheese. Also the only location in the world. The tour was funny, givin by a cow, and was mostly smelling things, but of course you got to see all the vats of cheese and such.
At the end, Kaylie told us that it was her favorite thing and when I aksed her why she said" becuase I didn't know that cheese came from milk!" So inquistive. Now whenever she is eating something she says we need to go see where it is made. It was barely intresting to us, but another hit with the youngest crowd.
And of course it is all set in the most beautiful countryside. Really this is what Switzerland should be famous for. I know this sounds like optimistic goo, but the sun is the brightest here, the sky the bluest and the mountains the most majestic.

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